This year’s AGM format will be an online Zoom meeting. Login details for Zoom will be provided just ahead of the event.

Part 1: Annual General Meeting Agenda Items

Part 2:Guest Speaker – Rob McRae (NCC)

Rob McRae, Program Director for Eastern Ontario, Nature Conservancy of Canada, will be discussing “Valuable Landscapes for Conservation in the KFLA region”


More on our guest speaker:

Rob McRae is the Program Director for Eastern Ontario with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. He leads a team responsible for natural area planning, securement and stewardship in the area between Kingston, Ottawa and Québec. Prior to joining the Nature Conservancy, Rob worked with the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority for over 20 years as a manager and environmental planner. He participated in a diverse range of projects at the Conservation Authority, including conservation area planning, drinking water source protection, environmental plan review, floodplain management and natural heritage conservation. Rob is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and a Registered Professional Planner in Ontario